iBook Hard Drive?

the rpm value does not necessarily say how fast the disc is. There are high-density discs outperforming higher spinning ones. But true, when it's the same brand and model but just using a higher spin, it performs faster.
I am referring to benps question how fast the iBook drive is. Since the first answer was rpm related, I decided to clear this subject a little bit more up ;)
I don't know if this program is available for OSX, so give it a try. First open Terminal.app, thenL

$ sudo /sbin/hdparm -tT /dev/hda

hdparm is a command line program to benchmark your disk drives as well as modify settings. You can tweak it for optimal performance but I would imagine OSX does this for you at boot up. the "-tT" parameters instructs the hdparm program to just do a benchmark. The results are outputted as read/write speeds.