iBook (Late 2001) stalls...tried everything...


Everytime I turn my computer on, the screen won't go past the grey apple with the progress indicator. I've tried unplugging the AC Adaptor, removing the battery, resetting it, pressing Shift + Alt + Apple + Power for 5 seconds, then Alt+Apple+P+R for three chimes and even Alt+Apple+O+F and typing 'reset-nvram' enter and 'reset-all' enter only to reboot back to the same spot. When I go into single user mode and type 'sh /etc/rc' to reboot system it says it can't find root user and is sleeping and tries again...I let it run all night and still no progress...what makes it even worse is that I had just got my MotherBoard fixed and hard drive cleaned. Is there anythin else to do BESIDES buying a new laptop?
Have you tried to re-install the Operating System as a last resort? Or if you have files you need to recover.. you can link it to another Mac with a firewire cable and boot holding down the 'T' key to go into target mode. This will mount the HD on the other Mac allowing you to copy files from it simply by dragging and dropping.

Ask who fixed your Motherboard what did they do?..
Fixed MB's are very unreliable.

Hope this helps,
