iBook :: longer battery lifetime?



I'm using my iBook at school, just for typinig text and programming. With my current system settings (Longest Battery Lifetime, no sound, screen less lighted) the battery holds up to 4 hours. But there was something written about 6 hours in the product description.
Any idea how it is possible to get one or two hours longer lifetime?

4 hours is a very good duration. There are other ppl complaining about 2 or 3 hours...
It would be interesting to know how much ram you have. The more ram, the less harddisc activity and finally a longer duration. And do you have all powersaving options on? Such as proc-performance on min and turn of harddisc if not in use?
And also recalibrating the battery won't hurt much. You should let the battery complety drain and finally charge it over the night.
Hi Sam,

Well, I there's the option 'Longest Battery Lifetime' set in the Energy Saver menu. Are there any other powersaving options?

By the way, I have the basic iBook with 256Mb RAM. Do you suggest to add another 256Mb?

The more RAM you will install the less the hard disk will be used... Also, try to maintain your Mac OS X installation at least once a week! One other thing to have always in mind is to load the apps and let them always run in the background... Do not quit them and then load them again and again!

the more ram, the less hard disk use AND the more performance.
You say you got 256mb in your ibook now. This means 2x128mb. You won't be able to just add another 256mb. You will have to replace one 128mb. The other one is kinda unremoveable. If so go for a new 256mb, you will reach 386mb and gotta get rid of the 128mb. Rather go for 512mb and finally 640mb. This is how I did and I can really recommend.
And as hulkaros said, leave your apps loaded. This can save a lot of energy
thank you both for the advises.


What exactly do you mean with 'maintaining' the system?

so long