I don't know if you'd want to take it in. Get a quote if possible (I know some of the places I've worked for did not give phone or 'net quotes, you had to bring it in.) Depending on the particular model of iBook, that repair can be pretty pricey. I know with PBooks, the cable isn't attached to the LCD, but it's a extremely time consuming repair, so the labor will be $200 minimum. You could have them test it with the bottom case off, the cables run through the bezel at that point. Most of the iBook repairs I've done, Apple sends you plastic tubing to strengthen the cables to prevent this. It could, however, be the LCD itself. I've seen situations where you would swear it was a pinched cable, do the recabling, and then find out it's the LCD. (Problem was where cable plugged into LCD, at a certain amount of "pull" on the cable it would wig out the screen).