I got my iBook back from the local shop after the Logic Board and RAM were replaced and it's never "played nice" on my home network since. It worked fine in 2005 before I left for Russia, where my iBook died, but since I've been back it's flaky as hell.
Standard procedure is switching it on, logging on and enjoying a good bit of connectivity. It usually stays connected from the time I turn it on until I leave for school (usually about two hours), and today it was connected for well over four hours with no problems.
But...anytime there's the slightest network interruption it won't reconnect. The signal strength indicator usually ranges from 3-4 "waves" and I'm literally about 25 feet from the WAP, although the signal is coming through a wall. The wall isn't the problem because my PC laptop is right next to my iBook and it stays connected all day, every day.
I've triple-checked all the network settings and everything seems copacetic. There was a time when it disconnected that I could just go to System Prefs=>Network=>Assist Me=>Diagnostics and it would reconnect. Those days ended this past weekend. Now it will never reconnect via that procedure.
Sometimes logging out and back in works, sometimes I have to reboot. It
always reconnects when I reboot. Router/WAP work, the iBook connects flawlessly at two other hotspots in town (B&N and my local pub) and never disconnects, while my PC laptop stays connected without incident as well via WiFi.
So what gives? Any and all help much appreciated.
Standard procedure is switching it on, logging on and enjoying a good bit of connectivity. It usually stays connected from the time I turn it on until I leave for school (usually about two hours), and today it was connected for well over four hours with no problems.
But...anytime there's the slightest network interruption it won't reconnect. The signal strength indicator usually ranges from 3-4 "waves" and I'm literally about 25 feet from the WAP, although the signal is coming through a wall. The wall isn't the problem because my PC laptop is right next to my iBook and it stays connected all day, every day.
I've triple-checked all the network settings and everything seems copacetic. There was a time when it disconnected that I could just go to System Prefs=>Network=>Assist Me=>Diagnostics and it would reconnect. Those days ended this past weekend. Now it will never reconnect via that procedure.
Sometimes logging out and back in works, sometimes I have to reboot. It
always reconnects when I reboot. Router/WAP work, the iBook connects flawlessly at two other hotspots in town (B&N and my local pub) and never disconnects, while my PC laptop stays connected without incident as well via WiFi.
So what gives? Any and all help much appreciated.