iBook not sleeping in 10.1.5


Pixel Farmer
our (white) iBook 600 is no longer sleeping, even after a software restore from the 4 cds. The screen saver works but the iBook only goes to sleep if you manually tell it to. There had been a few times where the iBook's screen saver had locked up, too (the image fadey stuff just sorta stopped & locked)

I read that having network apps running can cause havoc but I have tried quitting Entourage, and any DAVE connections & now it's still only using Screen saver.

Any tips? We would prefer to have the screensaver go after 5 min & the sleep kick in after 10 min.

Shut down and zap the PRAM (instructions should be on the board here somewhere) as this can sometimes be caused by an error in the power management system.

If you're still stuck, open a terminal, big as you can, and run "top". This will show you all the active processes and help you narrow down any bit of software that might be keeping the system from sleeping.