ibook screen dark


My ibook screen goes dark if I touch the side of the lid. Using the control-snowflace-power button does not solve the problem. I had requested help before, but have not been able to see my screen for nearly 2 weeks. Any ideas?
Have you tried resetting the PRAM? 1) Shutdown 2) Power UP with COMMAND + OPTION + P + R keys held down and keep holding down until you've heard the computer chime 3 or more times.

If it's a G3 iBook, it may have a bad logic board as many of them failed -- even ones replaced by Apple.

On the other hand, it might simply be that the backlight on the LCD is going or has gone out. Or the video cable is loose where it attaches to the Logic Board.
I have the same problem with my G3 iBook. It's gotten to the point where I don't even have to touch it; the screen will randomly just black out. Someday I'll open it up and take a look. Like macworks stated: it's probably just a loose cable.