iBook sighting in NYC Subway ad!


Rusher of Din
I was looking at one of the ads on the F train the other day that go along the whole car. It was for Con Ed about paying your bills online or whatever. It's in black and white and shows someone sitting on a bed using a laptop. I swear it's a white iBook.
There are many instances of Apples showing up in commercials, TV shows, movies... maybe even music videos. They are just attractive computers, and they please the eye better than some gigantic, stuffy beige Wintel box.
I don't know about the rest of the world but I don't see much 'ugly beige boxes' in stores anymore :-)

Edit: Now they're just 'ugly boxes' :-)
So many sightings of Mac related everywhere. The TV Guide channel uses IE mac version to promote their site.

Comcast cable uses new iMac in their cable commercials.

Fox's greatest TV show uses Mac in their CTU department to protect us from terroists.
Originally posted by arden
There are many instances of Apples showing up in commercials, TV shows, movies... maybe even music videos. They are just attractive computers, and they please the eye better than some gigantic, stuffy beige Wintel box.
Usually I think that is cool that they use Mac's...

The only time I am annoyed is when the Web site for that company does not actually work on a Mac or looks terrible...
Just explain to me why people would use an Apple Computer in commercials/ads and tape over the Apple logo. It really pisses me off.
there was a show called "Sedie & Bellie" in Belgium (and later in the Netherlands too). It's a detective serie, and they used a lot of Apple Computers, really: A LOT!

There was even a show about computerhacking, every frame had a shot of a mac i think. :)
What really got on my nerves is that AOL had a iBook on there with a PC screen shot stuck ontop :(

And that was before they were doing the Mac OS X services. Still, its only AOL, so it doesnt really matter!
Originally posted by Evil Ryu
What really got on my nerves is that AOL had a iBook on there with a PC screen shot stuck ontop :(

And that was before they were doing the Mac OS X services. Still, its only AOL, so it doesnt really matter!

yea, infact, i'd be insulted if i saw AOL on a Mac ;)
I'm insulted when I do, but that's the nature of the beast.

Tommy: how often has that happened to you?