My ibook is 6 months old and the touchpad/button have just stopped working, earlier today the pointer kept freezing for a second but now they've stopped working all together, I'm using an external imac mouse for the moment but I dunno whats wrong?
Hmmm, shut it down for a few hours and restarted it, works ok now, I did have it turned on for a few hours, could it be because it was hot, I know it sounds stupid
Are your fingers cold or too sweaty or maybe cremed? I had similar problems and when I sent it to apple, they didn't find any problems. I am pretty sure it has something to do with the "condition of your fingers". not kidding
Leave the computer on and awake for a few hours, full speed ready-to-go, not spinning down the HD or deactivating the screen or anything, and see if your trackpad stops working again.