iBook w/ 10.3 >><< Bondi iMac w/ OS9


i just upgraded my iBook 500 MHz to Panther from Jag. with Jag (all versions), the iBook and the Bondi iMac (running OS 9.2.1) could connect to each other and the internet with absolutley no problems. now, since upgrading to Panther, only the iMac can connect to the iBook, it won't work the other way. but they can both access the internet. nothing shows up under "network" in Panther. and i have no success using "connect to server..."

help is appreciated, thanks
Johnny said:
i just upgraded my iBook 500 MHz to Panther from Jag. with Jag (all versions), the iBook and the Bondi iMac (running OS 9.2.1) could connect to each other and the internet with absolutley no problems. now, since upgrading to Panther, only the iMac can connect to the iBook, it won't work the other way. but they can both access the internet. nothing shows up under "network" in Panther. and i have no success using "connect to server..."

help is appreciated, thanks

Don't know if you've fixed this yet but just to let you know, I am running 9.2.2 on an older Beige G3 and Panther on my TiBook. I think that what you need to do is reset your Network and Sharing perfs after installing Panther. (Sysetm Preferences/Network and System Preferences/Sharing). I had a similar problem an fixed them in this way.

Good Luck