Ibook wont start up completely


I have an iBook G4. Purchased in May of 2006. About a month ago I began to get kernel panic and it got so bad i couldn't even turn on my computer. I took it to the Apple store and they replaced my Airport card which they determined to be the cause of the kernel panic. A few weeks later I had another episode of kernel panic but the machine rebooted fine. The last week it happened again, this time the machine came back on but the mouse wouldn't move. I took the machine back to the apple store where it miraculously turned on without any issues. They ran an overnight diagnostic on it and determined I had a software issue. The hardware tested as fine. They recommended I wipe my hard drive and reinstall OS X and such ( I had already backed up my hard drive after the first kernel panic). Well, I brought my machine home from the apple store yesterday and it turned on fine. Until I closed it and then reopened it to find the cursor had frozen. I attempted to reboot the machine and again found it would not turn on. I hear the fan run and then nothing. I have since got the machine to turn on once, but the cursor was frozen and the install disk I put in wouldn't read. It shows up on the desk top and the dialogue box opens but it's blank. I just ned to get the machine to the point I can wipe and reinstall OSX. Help!?!