iChat 2.0


Yeah, Androo.
I forget where, but it said that ichat 2 would be an awesome feature in panther. We will see it at WWDC this summer. It will feature webcam and possibly voice support, and... yea that's all. lol. It will have extremely fast video though. woooh. It should look the same, but have a send button, and will include the new aqua (since it comes with 10.3). Wooooh....
the new aqua look in panther....we discused this somewhere else....
All the newest apps have had this... Safari, iTunes 4, and it is hidden in the apple site.....


Seee? that's what the new aqua in panther will look like.....it's much easier to make, and less for the eyes to take in.
simple and clean is the way to go. i hope apple gets rid of scan lines as well =P
saaaaame.... it would be neat if they had a lot of brushed metal....the new Mail will have brushed metal i heard....
In fact apple will make all their new apps brushed metal (though they already started doing this.....). All the iLife are..... i think system prefs are.... and it would be neat to enable the finder to be also....
they better get rid of those stripes!
ive seen mail in brushed metal - its tight. some site claimed it was a secret apple build but they probably just edited it. apple should make a system for metal vs. aqua apps - some kind of orginization would be nice. go panther!
I wish Apple would let us pick - Brushed Metal or Aqua. I prefer Aqua and like the pinstripes. I actually use Metalizer just to de-metalize Safari.

At the very least I wish they'd have some sort of order to what they're doing...they need to say "this type of app will be X and this type will be Y". Right now it's random.

I also hope they don't change the Aqua buttons in Panther. I like the current ones from Jaguar. I prefer the Jaguar ones to the original ones - but why they need to continually tweak these little things, I don't know.
Ok, So if iChat 2.0 comes out would'nt it be safe to say that a camera could be built in the next line of hardware updates? after Panther's release?

just a thought...
I really like the current look of OS X. I'm not a big fan of the new buttons. They remind me too much of buttons within XP. They look like cheap knockoffs of OS X's buttons.

As far as the scan lines go, I feel that they're needed. Something to break up the solid white color a little.

I seriously hope apple never even imagines going to an all brushed metal interface. I'll be looking for themes faster than you can blink.
Well, the last post just proves that it's impossible to satisfy everyone. I really couldn't say which I like best. I kind of like having aps brushed metal and finder windows aqua. Seems like it wouldn't be too hard to let you pick brushed metal or aqua for aps or finder or both.

The problem is that Apple really hates to let users dictate how the OS looks. They seem to like all Macs to look the same, unity of design and brand and all that I suppose. However I think both look fine, so they wouldn't be hurting themselves by letting the user choose on this one.
Safari likes your brushed metal too. iChat owns it, Apple stores it, and we view it using our eyes. Wow what's been wrong with me lately?
Apple should give us a choice. In system prefs, you choose brushed or aqua, and some apps this, and some apps that. There should be Blue, Graphite, and other themes to choose from. You should be able to take off the stripes, or slap em back on. That would make a perfect looking OS, since you choose what you want.
well apple already lets us choose between aqua and graphite. so why not just let graphite be brushed metal?
or graphite aqua, blue aqua, graphite metal, and blue metal!? Also maybe a few other colors.....
you guys all want linux ;) lol

Customizations are good for the power user but the newbie needs consistancy. (s)he needs to know that the computers running Panter at work will look the same as the computers running Panter at the library will look the same as the computer at home. I am always shocked at how much of a distortion field these fora are and forget what a small percentage of people are as Mac litterate as we are. I was telling a friend of mine (who is intelligent in every other way) the wonders of Safari and he asked what phone number to dial up to since he was using AOL.

Point being that as much as it seems like a consensus here in macosx.com-land, not everyone wants choice. There are other operating systems that will run fine on your iBook that allow that kind of choice and we should hope Apple focuses on stability and compatibilty rather than apeasing the whims of every superficial user out there.
iChat is the worse iApp, I said it before and i had to say it again. It looks stupid, it uses space poorly and as i mentioned in another thread, the brushed metal is overkill.

The comment about the user knowing the system they are using is true, because you clearly saw differences between X and X.2. The system is getting more polished, and the little details are starting to come out.

But i truly HATE iChat, just a personal grudge I have. I opened it once, looked at all that aqua and brushed metal and never again, no iCrap.