iChat Audio - can't connect


A bit of a dissapointment, but hopefully resolved soon:

When trying to connect an audio chat, I get "insufficient bandwith to maintain conference" (or words to that affect). I had the same bandwidth settings (200kbps) as with Panther, and tried setting to "none". Also verified that the person I was trying to connect with (Panther) could get to my internet LAN on another machine running Panther, and it was fine (no AOL issues).

I shows my machine as multi-audio chat capable (1.67gHz 17"PB, 1.5gRAM).

Haven't seen anything at Apple yet. Everything else seems to be running fine. Dashboard is a blast to play with. Spotlight only took an hour or two to index 60gig worth of stuff.

Thanks for the help.

Update on 4/29/05

I was able to get audio chat through AIM back to my own LAN. Today, I tried it again with the same person as it failed with yesterday, and same error. Just for fun, we tried a one-way video chat - it works fine (one way to me, from the same person).