Icon editing and creation



I have several images I would like made into icons. I cannot seem to get an alpha-channel/mask applied correctly to the images.

I have Graphic Converter and Photoshop at my disposal. What Icon editor do you recommend?

What are the right steps?
Iconographer. It's a Photoshop plugin... Bit confusing at first, but you'll figure it out. It's the easiest way, but you have to have everything on one layer, and you have to have the layer selected before going into the editor.
I have an image (pict or jpeg). I can easily separate the white space. How do I tell Icon machine to create a workable alpha channel.
Originally posted by Ricky
Iconographer. It's a Photoshop plugin... Bit confusing at first, but you'll figure it out. It's the easiest way, but you have to have everything on one layer, and you have to have the layer selected before going into the editor.

You're thinking of IconBuilder, from the Iconfactory. http://www.iconfactory.com/ Iconographer is by Mscape Software. http://www.mscape.com/ Both are great icon-construction tools.

I prefer to use Apple's Icon Composer, included free with the dev tools, and ins2icon, from Icons.cx for converting the .icns file to an actual icon. http://www.icons.cx

- Brian
Originally posted by jove
I have an image (pict or jpeg). I can easily separate the white space. How do I tell Icon machine to create a workable alpha channel.

In the bottom left of an icon editing window in IconMachine are three views, the first one in white is the combination view, the second in black is the mask view (which represents the clickable area), and the last with checkers is the transparency view. Clicking on those will allow you to isolate the icon's mask and alpha channels for independent editing.

Once you are done with the big one, go to the main window and just drag it over to the other windows, and iconmachine will make its best rendition based on your big one.

It mostly takes some messing around to get iconMachine figured out.
You know, after using iconoographer now since this thread started, I'd recommend it over iconMachine, as it seems more Photoshop like and was able to fix some icons that were acting stubborn.
I remember playing around with iconoographer when it first came out. It had some serious stability problems. It has seemed to come a long way.

I was able to edit the icons much more effectively in iconoographer.