ICS sharing PC to MAC - some websites don't update, DNS caching issue?


I have a cable connection which I share via my Windows XP machine to a couple of MACs running 10.4, I am able to share files between all machines, browse the internet etc etc.
Recently I became aware of a most peculiar issue. I was updating a web site (www.twistaproducts.com.au) and when I wa posting up the new page, (All I did was add a small image to the front page) I couldnt see the changes on the MAC i was working on (still can't for that matter and the change was made over 1 month ago)
At the time I thought the change just wasnt going through for some reason - wrong directory the usual thing), But the person whose website I was altering just told me that the image has been updated the whole time (she is viewing it on a mac). I than went and checked the site on the PC (which is the portal for the internet connection) and Lo and Behold, the image is there. Weirdly it does not show up on either of the macs, but other websites I apply changes to do show up.

Any ideas as this is most baffling.

Cheers and thanks in advance
If you're viewing the site using a browser on the Macs ;) (not MAC....that's Media Access Control :D), have you tried flushing the cache on those Mac browsers and see if it updates?

This is the only thing I can think that would be the problem. AFAIK, Firefox pretty much updates the caches well even on the Mac. What browser are you using by chance on the Mac and on the PC?