iDVD & Office vX permission issue



please forgive me if this has been posted before. I did check the archives but couldn't find anything similar.
Here it goes:

I run a network of G4s in a school. I recently upgraded every machine to OS X (Client). Every machine has (naturally) one admin account and all the students have regular user accounts. Everything works fine except two things:

1. iDVD works perfectly when you're logged in as admin, but crashes a couple of seconds after you launch it when you're logged in as a normal user.

2. Offfice vX is the wart in the network, but since Bill forced it as the standard for everyone, we simply can't do without it here. Apart from being way too heavy and way too over-featured, the students and staff here all seem able to use it without too many crashes. The only thing they can't do however is print to the network printer (over AppleTalk). An admin CAN print, but a normal user can NOT.
(Printing from TextEdit works like a charm for everyone.)

Because of a certain pattern in these two issues, i'd guess that the Unix file permissions are somewhere at play here. (Or better, a bug in both programs that fails to implement this)
Has anyone else encountered this? I checked the support sites of both Apple and Microsoft, as well as a number of other support sites, but could not find an answer (wasn't even mentioned as a known problem).

