ILife '06 Wont Install


Ok, My gf just got ILife '06 for her computer. When she puts in the disc it brings up the install window with the two buttons to install ilife or read before you install ilife. I opened the read before you install and that worked fine. but when you try to install it. it opens the installer and fades out the windows in the screen like a new one is goin to open.but never does. i called apple tech support they said it was a faulty disc so i took it back and replaced it, and nothing different happens on the new disc. so they said i have to wipe the hard drive and reintall everything......but if i do that she is goin to lose Tiger becuase she downloaded it free from here college which she graduated from and does not attend any more? any one have any ideas? would be appreciated.
Hmm....when you say that she download it free, was it legally free? I haven't heard of Apple doing anything like that, which leads me to believe that the copy installed on this person's Mac is not legal. I would recommend purchasing a copy of the full Mac OS X Tiger install.

The other question is this: what kind of Mac are we working with here? What are the specifications of this Mac? It's possible that when Mac OS X was installed that it was done without a necessary firmware upgrade that the Mac needed. Follow the link below and download the approriate firmware upgrade for her Mac. Depending on the age of the Mac, the firmware might need to be installed with the Mac booted into OS 9 as it won't install in Classic Mode or OS X.

What you might want to do if you can't reinstall the operating system is to repair permissions. You might also want to boot into Single User Mode by doing the following and performing a disk repair:
1. Reboot the Mac
2. After the startup chime, hold down Apple-S until you see text flying across the screen.
3. Once at the prompt, type "/sbin/fsck -yf" and hit Return. (Type the command w/o quotes, and there's a space in between the letter k and the dash.)
4. Let the disk repair take place. If you get something saying "FILESYSTEM WAS MODIFIED," that means something was fixed. Run the command again and do so until you get the message saying "The Macintosh HD was OK" or something similar.
5. Once the hard drive is repaired, type "reboot" and hit Return to restart the Mac.

Hopefully that will work for you.