I'll Never Complain about TiBooks

absinthe man

So I've done my bit to complain about the design flaws and failures of the TiBooks - from collapsing casings over optical drives to the lousy location of the Airport Antennas. But I recently had an experience that makes me belive that Apple did something right – I was involved in an accident between a tour bus and a tractor trailer in eastern Germany. The PowerBook was open on my lap, was involved in the crash, and amazingly still works. Kudos to Apple! Pictures of the PB can be found at


while the articles describing the accident are listed here


Apple rocks my world! The titanium apparently kept up appearances even in the face of adversity...way to go.
I am glad you came out unhurt and the book, but I have a question. Were you on the bus or driving a car?
I was on the bus that was hit, about a seat behind the impact point. We were approaching the intersection, as was the tractor/trailer. He hit us on the side, but we were moving forward, so luckily the impact was spread along the right side of the bus. I was sitting on the left side, aisle seat, and ended up with a seat from the right side (and its shaken but OK occupants) in my lap. The impact of the seat on the screen is what sheared it off.
Also happy nothing happened to you. But watching those pics and see my own tibook.. Somehow like a horror-movie to me. By the way, who will cover the damage on your tibook?
Not entirely certain...nobody's claiming responsibility, 'cause it was sort of an odd situation that led to it, so there are at least 5 culpable parties, maybe more. Who knows? It does seem a little like one of those things you see on Oprah or something where you just want to say, "What the heck is this?!"
I'd contact the bus company and see if there insurance will cover a new book. While they might want to repair it, demand a new one as the repair may be more than the cost of a new one.

If you had any injuries I do believe it is the bus company's insurance that pays, then they go after who is really at fault. At least that is the way it works in the U.S.