I'm on Win Xp right now


I can't believe how bad it is! The graphics just can't compete with OS X! I opened a new window in Internet Explorer and moved really fast over the window behind it and all the text and pictures in that window disapeared for a second or two. It's pathetic. If anything, it's worse than Windows 2000.:D
...and it takes several seconds for the start menu to appear and other menus to appear.
I'm at my folks' house right now and they just got a new computer with WinXP. A 1.4 Ghz Pentium 4 I think .. anyhow, I actually think it hauls ass. It definately can't compete in the eye-candy department, but it seems pretty decent to me.

At least my father can watch Window Media/Real Player movies and hot-sync his Palm Pilot. Not to mention use Photoshop and Dreamweaver/GoLive (if he wanted to). All things that I can't do because I'm a Mac addict. But oh well, all good things will come in time. I just hope it's more sooner than later.
I'm pretty sure you can do all those things on a Mac. I know you can get Windows Media Player for Mac (strange but true. Maybe called something else). And RealPlayer for Mac (Runs wonderfully!).

And all the design programs you mentioned are available on the Mac in much the same form, at much the same price. Most design studios prefer the Mac; Adobe and Macromedia consider it their main platform, with Windows running second! And all Macs now ship with PalmPilot Desktop, so you should have no hassles there (unless the Palm uses a PC serial port instead of USB).

If somebody tells you that your mac can't be used for this or that, ignore them. If it is worth doing, the Mac can do it.
We're talkin' about WinXP vs. OSX here. I know all those things work fine in 9, but I, like many others, would am (or would like to be) only using 10.

And none of those things are out (legally, anyway) for X. I'm not that much of a newb. I hope anyways... ;)