IMAC (bule) MAC OSX 10.2.2


I have a IMAC Running OS 10.2.2 and what ever i do i cant get it to connect to the internet - i am connecting via a proxiy server - i have run out of ideas - we have other macs of the same type and OS that connect ok. (i have the same settings as these macs)
any ideas?
Post the details (disguise any private stuff, such as IP addresses, of course) and we'll see what we can work out for you.
I had the same issue. Turned out to be DNS servers. So the first thing I would try is configuring it with a static IP and then putting in the gateway IP - subnet and DNS ---- for the most part people can leave DNS out and it just works---- Unfortunatly some are just alittle more pickie than others..... Do the basic trouble shooting fist though --- ie.... ping localhost and your loopback address and make sure there are no errors. Good luck ....
i will look at the problem when i am back at work monday
thanks for the ideas - i will post my finding on monday