iMac G3 Speed Tidbit


Hi, it's me again. As a pretty new Mac user, I love reading the threads (as I love reading all Mac books and sites). I'm eager to share what I've learned by experience and through reading, but feel I can't be of much help to everyone as y'all are using Leopard and I'm still on a G3 iMac (Indigo) with OS X Panther. Being financially broke, I downloaded a free Microsoft-Word-alike called AbiWord. It's wonderful, except that it is slower than dripping honey. Quitting all my programs was not enough, so I began quitting my processes in Activity Monitor! And it works! Try it when you need a speed boost. The processes I quit are anything Speech Recognition related, my printer drivers (I never print), my camera drivers (unless I'm planning to use the camera that day), my Palm Pilot sync drivers (ditto unless), and my iCal helpers (never use the thing.) I'm also careful to not keep any icons on my desktop (they slow it down), I use a resized desktop picture, and I turn off my visual effects. Until I can get a RAM upgrade (my parents haven't said yes yet), I content myself with "sparsing up" the OS to make my beloved AbiWord work.
Hope this helps the few G3 users out there. I know we're a dying breed, but I consider the G3 to be stable, tried-and-true, and just plain stylish. Ditto with Panther - it's the latest version of X that will run all my programs and my conputer!