iMac G3 won't start up...


My friend has a very strange problem. He's running an old indigo iMac 500 mhz G3 with 320 RAM and OS 10.3.5. When the computer is turned on, the gray apple logo screen comes up, and that's as far as it ever gets. The spinning wheel below the gray apple logo never even comes up. It just stays on a blank gray apple screen forever.

I was able to boot from a Jaguar disk I had so that I could try verifying and repairing his disks, and when I left the disk utility/installer and rebooted with the option key down, it started up perfectly. Once back in OSX I checked the disks again, restored permissions, et c. and tried to reboot. Nothing. Same blank gray apple screen forever.

So I can get it to boot fine if started with option down, but it never even makes it to the spinning progress wheel if booted normally. I have no idea whats going on. Does anyone know what might be causing this or what can be done to fix it?