iMac G4 not reading home made DVD's



This is my first post to

My question is concerning the super drive on the iMac G4. It no longer reads our videos that we made in DVD format. We've started making music videos on our DVD burner which hooks in to our TV. Somewhat recently we've noticed that these homemade video's cannot be read anymore on the iMac. After inserting the DVD-R, the computer makes noises for a few minutes or longer, and finally goes to 'open finder', but only detects the DVD as blank. The prompt says, "you've inserted a blank DVD, what would you like to do."

After picking 'open finder' as the normal option, it places a CD-R icon on the desktop.

In another forum I noticed someone with the same problem who was advised to "zap the Pram", if I remember right. So I took the advice and hit the "Command/Option, P and R buttons upon restart. After the initial chime and two others, I let all three buttons go, and left the computer boot up.

According to the person in this forum, it seemed to work for a period of time and the then went back to not being able to read their DVDs(I forget if they specified homemade or bought).

My bought DVD's play fine; it's the homemade DVDs that I would like to see the computer be able to read again.

Thanks for the time. Sorry if I wrote too much.

David Demoise