iMac G5 (mod)

That will look great after it is all done.
That is some good work. Definitely too much time on their hands.
This guy has way too much time on his hands, but then again, bloody cool project.

I wonder how much the guy would get for it if he decided to sell the unit on eBay?

Anyone remember the guy that sold his "Lego" Mac and got £350 for it ;)

I wonder...?
Ah I'd thought it was the other way around, a G5 shoehorned into an iMac, that would have been even impressive. Or just pointless, I'm not sure which.
That's the best mod I have ever seen. He should send in those pictures to the Screensavers on TechTV and see how it compares to Yoshi's mods. :D
Very awesome, he must have a lot more patience than me. :)

Hope he updates the pics when he gets it back from the paint shop.