Take a look at this. :D ;) Wish I had so much time for such things...
Zammy-Sam Desertchild Mar 22, 2004 #1 Take a look at this. Wish I had so much time for such things...
diablojota Doctoral Student Mar 22, 2004 #2 That will look great after it is all done. That is some good work. Definitely too much time on their hands.
That will look great after it is all done. That is some good work. Definitely too much time on their hands.
cockneygeezer Registered Mar 22, 2004 #3 This guy has way too much time on his hands, but then again, bloody cool project. I wonder how much the guy would get for it if he decided to sell the unit on eBay? Anyone remember the guy that sold his "Lego" Mac and got £350 for it I wonder...?
This guy has way too much time on his hands, but then again, bloody cool project. I wonder how much the guy would get for it if he decided to sell the unit on eBay? Anyone remember the guy that sold his "Lego" Mac and got £350 for it I wonder...?
Giaguara Chmod 760 Staff member Mod Mar 22, 2004 #4 .. he'd get i think enough to make that hobby be profitable
monktus Registered Mar 22, 2004 #5 Ah I'd thought it was the other way around, a G5 shoehorned into an iMac, that would have been even impressive. Or just pointless, I'm not sure which.
Ah I'd thought it was the other way around, a G5 shoehorned into an iMac, that would have been even impressive. Or just pointless, I'm not sure which.
diablojota Doctoral Student Mar 22, 2004 #6 Well, it would be impressive, especially if you could control the heat issues...
chevy Marvelous Da Vinci Staff member Mod Mar 22, 2004 #7 what is the size of the beast ? original size ?
gollum84 goonies never say die Mar 22, 2004 #8 That's the best mod I have ever seen. He should send in those pictures to the Screensavers on TechTV and see how it compares to Yoshi's mods.
That's the best mod I have ever seen. He should send in those pictures to the Screensavers on TechTV and see how it compares to Yoshi's mods.
N naodx Registered Mar 22, 2004 #9 Very awesome, he must have a lot more patience than me. Hope he updates the pics when he gets it back from the paint shop.
Very awesome, he must have a lot more patience than me. Hope he updates the pics when he gets it back from the paint shop.
jobsen_ski Daily Player Mar 23, 2004 #10 The link is broken... please fix it so I can see I realy want to!!!
delsoljb32 Dark Archon Mar 23, 2004 #13 Zammy-Sam said: Take a look at this. Wish I had so much time for such things... Click to expand... why can i not get to this link? ive noticed a few of those, is it dead?
Zammy-Sam said: Take a look at this. Wish I had so much time for such things... Click to expand... why can i not get to this link? ive noticed a few of those, is it dead?
Arden Where mah "any" keys at? Mar 25, 2004 #15 Damn German 404... anyone got cached pictures or something?