iMac G5 regularly drops the broadband connection



I have a relatively new iMac G5 (monitor & cpu in-one).

I am running 10.3.9 with the latest Apple security update.

I recently got set up on broadband. Originally I signed up with Earthlink for cable modem service (roadrunner reseller). I recently switched to "Zoomtown", an ADSL broadband service from our local phone company, Cincinnati Bell. The Network settings for both of these services was the same; DHCP over built-in ethernet

The problem is that my Mac regularly drops the broadband connection and the only way to get it back is to restart.

I use the Mac for my work, but I have a PC set up that I use to proof my work. They are set up on a router, where the ADSL modem is hooked into the router with ethernet cables running to both the Mac & the PC.

Not only is the connection to the PC quite stable (!), but also, the very few times that I have lost that connection, it is relatively easy to get back - no restart required!

I won't go into how surprised I am at this significant difference in internet-connection-savvy behavior between the Mac & the PC... suffice it to say that this is really the 1st time in almost 20 years that I have had a problem with a Mac that I could not solve by myself by restarting, re-installing, tossing out a file or two, or using some disk maintenance tool.

The closest thing to a "distinct pattern" is that I tend to loose the connection if I allow the Mac to go to sleep - certainly, when I wake my Mac up in the AM, the connection almost always gone ( about 95% of the time...

Typically, I have to restart at least 2~3 times a day in order to get the connection back.

As I have not been able to discern a clear pattern, it has been difficult conduct any useful tests that can provide immediate feedback. But over time I have tried the following:

1. checked ethernet connections
2. reinitialized (power-down/power-up) modems & router
3. switched ethernet cables
4. switched PC & Mac ethernet ports on the router
5. played around with Network Preferences settings
6. * tossed out a couple of files
7. * Zapped the p-ram

(* per a couple of hits on google on the subject)

Recently, I even bypassed the router & connected the ADSL Modem directly into the Mac's ethernet port. Nada.

Unfortunately, *nothing* seems to have any affect... sooner or later the Mac will loose the connection & I'll have to restart to get it back.

At this point I am pretty much convinced that the problem is, indeed, on the Mac. To date I have found precious little on the subject via google.

And, as luck would have it, the problem seems even more frequent since I switched from cable to ADSL!

Finally, as we have come to expect, both the cable & ADSL company technical support groups had similar & significant "attitudes" once it became clear that a Mac was involved. Moreover, since it is quite obvious that the Mac is the most likely culprit here (as opposed to it being their modem or line) they have been quite effective & consistent at politely re-directing me to Apple.

I'm really stuck. Any help would be hugely appreciated!
