Official Pianist
Yes, it is the same iLemon again!
Okay, the story:
I shut down our iMac last night, and it was fine. Then this morning one of my sisters comes in while iAm doing my piano practice and says that when she started up the iMac the screen was acting funny. iGo and have a look, and sure enough, the picture was blury, strangly shapped, and all red tinted.
Now this had happened before, and all iHad to do was restart the computer, and it fixed itself. iAlways though it had something to do with some temporarily magnetically charged something or other in the area that was affecting something in the CRT.
iThink to myself: no problem, I'll just restart. So iDo this.
No luck.
So iDo it again, and again, and then again. Still the same. So iTry one more time. And this time iAm treated to a properly shaped green tinted picture. iGo on the Apple site and look to see if there are any Knowledge Base articles on this. No, there aren't, so iMove the iMac to a different place to see if it was something to do with the magnetism thing, and start it up again. This time is it Purple. iContinue to try, but in the end iDecide the let it set for a while. Coming back and starting it up later, iFind that the picture now all blue-y.
iKeep trying on and off all day, but still it is not cooperating, and iAm further treated to a pink tinted screen. A few times it is nearly normal again, but then it relapses again.
So far it appears to be pretty much random, but each color manifests it's self at least three times before letting the next tint in. It seems to change between being blurry and clear also. Also if iLeave it on for a while, the picture seems to degrade and become more blurry.
iDon't know if this is related, but iCan also send the computer to sleep while it is starting up, something that iHave not been able to do before.
iAm fairly certain that this is hardware related, because iTried to start the computer up from the system-restore CD, and it is still the same.
What is the matter with it? My sisters are beginning their noise about 'no Sims' already!
Okay, the story:
I shut down our iMac last night, and it was fine. Then this morning one of my sisters comes in while iAm doing my piano practice and says that when she started up the iMac the screen was acting funny. iGo and have a look, and sure enough, the picture was blury, strangly shapped, and all red tinted.
Now this had happened before, and all iHad to do was restart the computer, and it fixed itself. iAlways though it had something to do with some temporarily magnetically charged something or other in the area that was affecting something in the CRT.
iThink to myself: no problem, I'll just restart. So iDo this.
No luck.
So iDo it again, and again, and then again. Still the same. So iTry one more time. And this time iAm treated to a properly shaped green tinted picture. iGo on the Apple site and look to see if there are any Knowledge Base articles on this. No, there aren't, so iMove the iMac to a different place to see if it was something to do with the magnetism thing, and start it up again. This time is it Purple. iContinue to try, but in the end iDecide the let it set for a while. Coming back and starting it up later, iFind that the picture now all blue-y.
iKeep trying on and off all day, but still it is not cooperating, and iAm further treated to a pink tinted screen. A few times it is nearly normal again, but then it relapses again.
So far it appears to be pretty much random, but each color manifests it's self at least three times before letting the next tint in. It seems to change between being blurry and clear also. Also if iLeave it on for a while, the picture seems to degrade and become more blurry.
iDon't know if this is related, but iCan also send the computer to sleep while it is starting up, something that iHave not been able to do before.
iAm fairly certain that this is hardware related, because iTried to start the computer up from the system-restore CD, and it is still the same.
What is the matter with it? My sisters are beginning their noise about 'no Sims' already!