iMac or PowerMac?



Recently, one of my co-workers brought his iBook into the office to do some work. This was the first time I really got to see OS X in action. Since then, I've been thinking of picking up a Mac for myself. I've also been getting more pissed off with Windows as of late, so I'm ready to make the switch. Now, my only problem is deciding which model I want.

I've narrowed my choices down to the 17" iMac, or the Dual 1.25 GHz PowerMac G4. The geek in me wants the dual processor goodness of the G4. My practical side sees how the iMac costs less, and has that sexy Widescreen display (If I got the G4, I'd end up hooking it to my 17" Dell Flat Panel - at least until I save up for one of those Cinema Displays).

So I guess basically I'm here to ask this: is the 17" iMac going to be good enough for me? I'm not going to be running Maya or Photoshop, doing any video editing, or anything like that. Mainly, this will be my every day web browsing/ircing/ssh/movie watching/occaissional gaming machine. Most intensive thing I'd prolly do would be ripping CDs.

My biggest issue with the iMac is updating the ram - there's only one user-accessible slot, and it uses those stupid laptop SO-DIMMS - If I want to upgrade the ram later, I'll have to toss a perfectly good DIMM to replace it with a larger one. The G4 has 4 DIMM slots, much better for expandability. That, and I can possibly add a 20" or 23" Cinema Display down the line.

Anyway, I thought I'd post here (and maybe some other forums) to get some feedback from those of you who've been using Macs, and have a good idea what to expect from the different hardware.

Okay, coming from a moneyless wrench, here is my opinion:
For what you want to do, the iMac would be perfect. It is also perfectly capable of running Photoshop, and pretty much anything else you want to send it's way. I have an iBook that I use for web design, and it runs Macromedia stuff just fine. Unless you have a bottemless income, I would say go for the iMac, because again like you said, it's not like you are going to be doing much that really taxes the processor(s).
Having said that, I would personally go for a portable with an Airport base station and card. Those are really cool!
I think you would be just dandy with a Powerbook 15", or if you really want to get high end, maybe a 17". I personally am really happy with my iBook 14".

Oh, and max the RAM on anything you get. Even if this means that you will have to get a slower computer for financial reasons, it will really speed things up if you can get at least 512MB.
I thought about a portable, actually. I didn't want to go with an iBook as they're only G3 processors - figured it wouldn't last as long as something based on a G4.

The 12" PowerBook is nice, but they get pretty hot, and they don't have an L3 cache, if I read right.

The 17" is obviously out, thats way too much :)

That leaves the 15" PowerBook - which I have a feeling will be replaced soon. It doesn't do AirPort Extreme, so that'd kinda suck. And, it'd be much costlier than even the G4 I speced out. :)

But, I think the only thing I'd do with a notebook is sit on the patio, and show off to everyone who walked by along the boardwalk :) Overall, for me, I think a desktop is the way to go - more machine for less money.

Thanks :)
If I were you I would go high end. If cash flow is not a big option then the powermac will be faster, more expandable, and better in general. The only thing the iMac has that the powermac doesn't have is that tilty screen, and if you don't see yourself requiring that, then the pmac is the way to go. Plus, over time my guess is that the powermac will have a better resale value and you will be able to upgrade it better...
But a powermac with a 20 inch monitor would probably be the best mac system ever... until apple makes its 30 inch conema display :).
If you have the money, definetly get the powermac. My iMac is starting to get on my nerves after only a little more then a year because a year ago 40 GB's seemed like more HD then I could ever use... But now with cable internet and a year of use all I have left is 8GB... I really wish I could pop for a 50 dollar HD and get 50 more GB...
Okay, then I would say the top-of-the-line iMac with maxed-out RAM.
These were just updated anyway. I have heard from people here who have used these who say that they feel like dual G4s. So these things are, like, speed demons!
I like the portables because my family has an iMac DV and always having to sit at a desk really ticked me off.
However, another side to this is that in many cases the G3 actually out-performs a G4 of comparable MHz when using non Alti-vec optimized applications. This is partly because the G3 has a bigger backside cache. Also, the G3 is not a bad processor at all, for what you want to do it would probably be just fine for many years.
Of course, since the G3 iMac line has just been snuffed, this means that the only Mac you could get with a G3 in would be an iBook anyway.
I would say that for you, the iMac 17" with maxed out RAM would be the way to go!

Anyway, just trying to give you multiple sides of the argument! ;)
Decisions, decisions.. everyone's making valid arguments for each side :)

Mr. K made a good point about resale value - having used PCs, I've never really sold them - I just upgraded them piece by piece, using the old parts in spare machines. Hopefully I can find some demo units when I go looking tomorrow, and get a feel for which I like better.. :)
Well, admittedly, the iMac is not expandable in any sense of the word, but the PowerMac on the other hand could be upgraded until the saints go marching in.
About resale value: Unless you get disillusioned and decide to sell your Mac after a few months, you probably won't need to worry about this. I certainly wouldn't let it be a deciding factor in which computer I buy. Anyway, you'll probably want to keep your old computer around to use as a file server or something if/when you get a new one in about three years.
My recommendation would be this: If there is an Apple Store anywhere near you, by all means go and take a look there. There are usually some really knowledgeable people at these places who could help you decide. However, I wouldn't recommend that you 'impuse buy' your system as soon as you go into the store, because of something called 'Sales tax' :D Also, someplace like MacMall usually has some fantastic free deals, such as a free printer, bag, shipping, etc.
I'm in Canada - Unfortunately, we have no apple stores. There is a small store where I live that sells apple products though, which is where I'll probably buy it.

My other option would be to buy one in Detroit, and bring it across the border - I haven't been able to determine how much duty/tax I'd have to pay if I were to go that route.

Being from Canada, I know what you mean about Sales Tax :) Gonna cost me an additional 15%.. Thats why I'm investing so much time in researching this.. it'll be costly if I make the wrong decision..

Anyway, so far, I think I'm leaning towards the G4.. Like I said, the geek in me is drawn to those 2 processors.. and I think it'd last much longer than the imac.. upgradeability is a plus..
Too bad... :(
I would at least go and look before you buy though. Nothing beats seeing this stuff in person!
We only pay 7% sales tax here, poor you! Does Canada use a different power plug than the U.S.?
Yeah, I'm gonna go look tomorrow (later today now I guess) :)

Nope... Same power plug.. same TV standards.. same everything (Except our Coca-Cola tastes MUCH better)..

I work in the states, actually.. so it negates the effect somewhat (My money is worth more than Canadian money) :)
Originally posted by PygmySurfer
Nope... Same power plug.. same TV standards.. same everything (Except our Coca-Cola tastes MUCH better)..

I work in the states, actually.. so it negates the effect somewhat (My money is worth more than Canadian money) :)
LOL! :)
Anyway, if I were you, I would take a look, and then order from MacMall. Have it shipped to your work address or something! (Or do you have to pay when you bring it through the border anyway?)
I thought about buying something state-side, and bringing it over.. far as I can tell I have to pay all the taxes I'd have to pay in Canada though..

I could try to smuggle it, but, I drive a pickup, hard to stash it anywhere they wouldn't see it :)

I think in the end its just easier to pick up here..
I'd get a PowerMac because of its expandibility. I have had my PowerMac for nearly three years and I have been upgrading it and I love how it performs, even now! Plus, if you have a monitor already, you can definately save up for one of those cinema displays. You wouldn't be able to do that with the imac. I agree with the fact that there will be more support for the PowerMacs later on. The fact that you can get 4 (?) hardrives in PowerMac now and a lot of space for more RAM, I'd definately choose PowerMac. :)

The thing with ordering from MacMall is that they usually have some pretty good freebies that you can get with the computer. One of their trademark things is free RAM, right now you can get 512 MB free with all of the Powermacs. At the moment they are also offering a free printer, free MYOB Firstedge, Large discount on MS Office (you can get it for about $180 after the discount), and some really big discounts on Apple displays, if you get one at the same time as the Powermac. (e.g. $1,500 off the 23")
Anyway, just a thought.
Well, I decided on the PowerMac - ordered it today (They have none in stock - so they'll get it in tomorrow). I'm excited.. :)

Yeah, the MacMall freebies and such woulda been cool - I have a boatload of printers already that I don't use though.. discounts on a Display woulda been nice.. still, I think I'll hold out til next year on the Cinema Display - maybe the rumoured 30" will be out by then.. :)

Anyway, yeah, I guess I'm a switcher now.. :P
Well, welcome to the world of real computers!
We hope to see you around here OFTEN.
BTW, Which model and how much RAM did you get? I personally would have gone with MacMall for the extra RAM alone, but only 'cause I am a cheap-skate and wouldn't get it otherwise ;)
Yeah, I think I'll stick around - you guys were pretty helpful :) And I'm sure I'll have questions..

I got the Dual 1.25 G4 - 256 megs ram. I'm going to order some ram, just not from apple - they want way too much for it. :)

I'm gonna have to make up a signature.. :)

Power Mac G4 Dual 1.25GHz w/1MB L3 per proc.
• 256MB DDR333 SDRAM (PC2700) - 1 DIMM
• 80GB Ultra ATA drive
• Optical 1 - Combo Drive (DVD/CD-RW)
• Optical 2 - None
• ATI Radeon 9000 Pro w/64MB DDR
• 56K internal modem
• Apple Pro Keyboard - U.S. English
• Mac OS - U.S. English