iMac & PCs vs LinkSys EPSX3 Print Server

Eric (Plug Guy)

Hi all, great community here. New to Apple. Have several PCs working on a LinkSys network, with LinkSys EPSX3 Print Server. Have enabled AppleTalk on the printserver, but cannot get the Mac to talk to it.

Not sure if we have the settings right on the Mac, or if there is some other issue. Printer in question is HP3015. Any help greatly appreciated. Using TCP/IP ports for all.

IN System Preference-->Network, do you have AppleTalk enabled for the Mac? Make sure that's set and that it's also set to "automatic" configuration. You should then be able to see it.

Also remember that you might need the OS X drivers for this printer if it wasn't already supplied by Apple with OS X (that is, if you're actually running OS X since you didn't make mention of that :D).
Couple of questions -
Which OS version?
When you say TCP/IP port printing, do you mean socket printing to ports 9100, 9101, 9102, etc? Which port is the 3015 at?

(Didn't see Nixgeek's post before - his post is about appletalk, mine is about using TCP/IP printing - which I recommend.)