Recently I have upgraded my iMac with 2GB additional memory and since then my iMac won't to boot properly.
I am running the leopard latest version and I have 3 gb memory currently installed.
I have attached message appeared on the screen while system is starting.
Many thanks
Recently I have upgraded my iMac with 2GB additional memory and since then my iMac won't to boot properly.
I am running the leopard latest version and I have 3 gb memory currently installed.
I have attached message appeared on the screen while system is starting.
Panic(cpu 0 caller 0x0043913F): Unable to find driver for this platform : \ACPI\.\n@/Source Cache/xnu/xnu-1228.15.4/iokit/Kernel/IOPlatformExpert.cpp:1407
Debugger called: <panic>
Backtrace (CPU 0), Frame : Return Address ( 4 potential args on stack)
0x41643dd8 : 0x12b4c6 (0x45f91c 0x41643e0c 0x13355c 0x0)
0x41643e28 : 0x43913f (0x4a6228 0x4e47710 0x41643e58 0x4eb4580)
0x41643e48 : 0x417068 (0x4eadd00 0x4eadd80 0x1 0x3f1478)
0x41643ea8 : 0x41890b (0x4eadd80 0x4eadd00 0x4eb4600 0x0)
0x41643f28: 0x41816f (0x4eadd80 0x4eb4680 0x8 0xffffffff)
0x41643f28: 0x419803 (0x4eadd80 0x0 0x1a40b5 0x4ea98b8)
Backtrace terminated-invalid frame pointer 0
BSD process name corresponding to current thread: Unknown
Mac OS version:
Note yet set
Kernel version:
Darwin Kernel Version 9.8.0: Wed Jul 15 16:55:01 PDT 2009; root :xnu-1228.15.4~1/RELEASE_I386
Many thanks