

Hi everyone!!!. I have a imac dv400mhhz. My imac came with a 10gb hd. I really need to upgrade it to at least 60gb. Can anyone please tell me its possiable. Of corse i will be takeing it to my local compusa to do it if its possable. If its not that hard i guess i can, So can anyone tell me its possiable and where the cheapest place i can get a 60gb hd with 7200rpm. thanks
I don't see why you couldn't slap a 60 gig into an iMac 400. Go search at for the HD prices. You may also want to check out , he's got a searchable database of drives and their compatability with Macs. I'm pretty sure he even has a tutorial on how to change an iMac's HD.
I have a Maxtor 76 gig firewire drive hooked up to my iMac 500 DV SE and it works great. Although I don't know how many RPM's it gets.:rolleyes:
I upgaded my parents Rev. B iMac's 4GB drive to a 13GB 7200 Maxtor drive I had lying around. It was probably the most difficult upgrade I've ever had to do on a Mac, and I've owned many - even the pain in the @ss to upgrade 8500, and this was WAAAAY harder.

You essentially have to dismantle the entire bottom chassis to get to the hard drive. If you follow the directions over at and are pretty good with taking stuff apart and reassembling it, go for it. If not, you may want to look at the FireWire drive.
the maxtor externals are only 5400rpm, but there are plentyof other affordable 7200 drives that plug in your firewire and are off and running in minutes. why would you want to go thru all the trouble to add internal when you can slap on an external that you can then move with you when you buy a new one down the road?
so how big a difference is there? i just bought an external 40Gb 7200pm for $199. how much less could an internal be?:confused:
Originally posted by themacko
I don't see why you couldn't slap a 60 gig into an iMac 400.

He is quite right it is *moderatly* easy to switch out the hard drive in a slot loader. I have the same iMac in question and I can't count how man times this th9ing has been in peices while I am always switching something out. I have switched the Hard Drive 3 Times already (20 then a 30 and now a 40GB HDD). If you need a picture tutorial please check If you need help please ask me ror someone else who has done the proceedure.

All the best
I agree, replacing the internal HD in a slot-loading iMac is pretty easy. I replaced the stock 6 GB drive in my 350 MHZ iMac with a 40 GB Maxtor ($100 at CompUSA), and installed it with no problems. And I am not mechanically gifted!