images and text not appearing in explorer


Lurks: 15,289
Now i dont have all the details here and this may be a simple fix but my Aunt phoned me last night after setting up her new Imac 800 and had some issues with explorer and msn. I thought before I drove over there to help her out I would pick your brains.

2 problems.

1) sometimes portions of the page in internet explorer appear solid black. A scroll or window resize sometimes fixes the problem.

2)when she fills out forms in ie and messenger(maybe other apps as well) the text within the text field doesnt appear.

I thought maybe there was some weird font color setting and got here to change the font and highlight color in sysPref but it didnt seem to work. Any thoughts?
I get a similar situation *sometimes* but it's a white page instead of black, if I click and drag everything appears. This seems to be a problem for others as well. I can't pin down why/when it does it though.
I think this is a small rendering glitch within Explorer. I have noticed it also happens sometimes on the Windows version.

I found that the best way (for me!) to overcome it is to set IE's background prefs to white and the the text to black (Preferences; Web Browser; Web Content - Page & Link box), if it isn't already. I also set both the read/unread links to black. It seems the KISS method and 'less is more' works for me.

I'll say 'sorry' now, because given the variations on all systems there's only a 50/50 chance of this being any help to your aunt.

Why Windows IE has occasional black/whiteouts on their own system software is a good question. Or not:)

I've no idea about messenger, except to start a war again by saying M$ software is ever so slightly incompatible with Macintosh!

Cheers, Lazzo