

Marvelous Da Vinci
Staff member
I liked the idea of a camera in any new Apple screen sold (flat screen or iMac or iBook). The idea can be extended to a new community: the iMeet community (new tag on Apple web site, between iTools and iCard).

Apple will provide a secured web site where everybody can meet and video-chat, supervised. This site will be available to any MacOS X.2 user. Only the owner of the mac will be able to open other links for connection for the user's of the mac, so that parents (or teachers) can have some control of their children access on the web.

This may create a huge community. Open because the owner of the machine can open it. Controlled because default mode is limited to monitored sites. And as MacOS X is as secure as UNIX, this principle is secure !

It needs 3 things: a camera on each screen, a clients software in each MacOS X.2 and a video-chat server.
And it comes bundled with: tadaaa: iGirlfriend!

Because without it, the Mac freaks would die out, sitting in front of their Apple display, chatting with each other without even getting the idea of having a live...

...damn, I am living that life already....makes me think....

But the idea is great, seriously. To sad that the camera in the display was a damn joke by some crazy idiot around here....
I married before I bought a Mac.... so the iGirlFriend problem was solved for me. I now have iChildren competing for modem time !

Maybe the solution for you is iSex ? A new way for Apple ?
Nah, I actually have a girlfriend so I also have real sex, which nearly satisfies me as much as a compiler finishing without errors or warning ;)

But don't get me started on upgrading Girlfriend 3.0 to wife 1.0...that's gonna be a mess if it ever happens....
I have heard a story of a man who was always on the internet. He wants not to go in bed with his wife, not to go to work. His wife has let him alone, and he was fired.
Oh man! The random-posting mac-forum bot has posted 691 posts! I think his target is to bypass Admiral ;)