iMovie 3 download to test Director's Cut SCART


I'm having problems getting this video capture device to play audio back. It worked fine to start with (brand new 2 weeks ago) but now the audio does not play back when i play a clip. If i turn Director's Cut off the audio is fine on playback.

I want to download a copy of iMovie 3 to reinstall - so i can test if it is a problem with IMovie rather than the hardware. Can't find a copy on the web though.
Am getting very frustrated and this Mac is starting to feel like a damn PC - i.e not working!

Any idea where i can download a copy of iMovie 3?
Anyone got any suggestions for the problem with Director's Cut?

I'm on a PowerMac G4, 533Mhz, 896Mb, Mac OS X 10.3.7