iMovie3 - What do you think?


I am a digital video maniac and was wondering what everyone wanted to see in iMovie 3. What enhancements? New features? Interface changes? etc.....

Things I would like to see are....

• Ability to import Flash SWF files
• Ability to import and use images in the foreground of a movie, for example a small logo in the top left.
• Increased stability
• More sound layers

What would you like to see? :p

- fix the JPG import bug
- better clip management UI
- split screen effects (as already suggested)
- selective clip import (from the camera)
- maybe some compositing effects (i can dream)
- ability to work on "scenes" at a time as opposed to having the entire movie in the viewer
Good ideas guys, hopefully someone from Apple will read this and take action. Like the split screen idea and being able to work on scenes rather than whole movie idea as well.

All we can do is wait........ :rolleyes:
I just want the program to

1) Stop hosing the clip thumbnails
2) Stop corrupting my hard disks
3) Stop unexpectedly quitting
4) Support external drives
5) Or not allow users to start the dangerous activity of importing on to one
6) Or publicly state that they are not supported before consumers waste their money on one :)