In Terminal, Startup Volume has a " 1" after it.


I wanted to do a test upgrade of a machine to 10.4, so I cloned the system to a Firewire drive. The firewire and my main volume had the same volume name: STARTUP

After successfully testing the upgrade to 10.4 on the Firewire drive, I disconnected the Firewire drive and installed Tiger on the main STARTUP volume.

After finishing the upgrade to 10.4, I noticed in terminal that STARTUP is now referred to as "STARTUP 1" at the system level. I can only assume this is a result of having two drives previously mounted with the same name.

My questions are:

1. can/will this cause any problems
2. can I get rid of that " 1" ??

I've tried rebooting without the Firewire drive connected and the " 1" persists.

I've tried to install Entropy PHP version 5.2.2 and I'm getting errors, so I'm concerned they might be related to this volume having the 1 after the name.

The 1 does not show in the Finder.

Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
