Incorrect partition size in Windows installer

Sarten X

After several rounds of attempting to get a triple-boot setup working (by creating a large partition in Boot Camp Assistant, then splitting it later), I've given up, and put the Linux installation into a VM.

Now, I need to make my MacBook Pro boot both OS X and Windows XP. I've gone through the Boot Camp Assistant, and created a 32 gigabyte partition. When I try to install XP, it says the partition is 132 gigabytes, which is the size of the partition I had made for my previous triple-boot setup. I've removed all partitions, used rEFIt to sync the MBR and GPT tables, and tried again, to no avail. Somehow, the XP installer is still finding the old partition size, which frankly makes no sense to me.

Any suggestions?
Are you using FAT32 or NTFS? I had an issue with a clients machine when transferring their Windows partition to another drive that they had it formatted in FAT32 and it was reading the previous partition size. In short to preserve the data I had to convert the bootcamp partition to NTFS. Make a new image of the now NTFS volume, recreate the bootcamp partition, then restore the NTFS volume back onto the machine. After that the sizes read fine.
Technically, it's FAT32, but unformatted. After deleting everything previously there, it was restored to a single Journaled HFS+ partition. Bootcamp split off the 32 gigs, and the XP installer's not recognizing the 32-gig partition.