

Rusher of Din
So I was looking at and saw the article "More Apple Packages?". Please tell me that can't be true. I already don't use Mail, I use mutt. I don't use iChat, I use Adium. Right now I don't use Safari, I use Chimera. I do have hopes for Safari and may use it in the future. I think this would be a really dumb move on Apple's part to do this. I hope it's just a rumor....
So far it is just a rumour. As they all really aren't applications to actually create anything (and with good and free alternatives), I don't think Apple should add a 25 USD price tag to that package. Do I use iChat? Yes, but only as long as it's free. Do I use Yes, but I would feel very, very angry about pricing this one, as it's been an integral part of the operating system. If they create a that has far more features, I'm happy to stay at Safari? It's a good free browser, but if browsers are going to cost again, I'll use a free alternative that uses WebCore or stick to my OmniWeb license, which gives me far more features for a low cost.

Hey, this might turn _me_ into an iWhiner if true! ;)
If Apple starts charging $29.95 for Mail, Safari and iChat, I'll be switching to the great free alternatives out there...

I already use Chimera over Safari 98% of the time. But I would switch to GyazMail (which is an amazing e-mail client), and Adium, which is a great free AIM client.

I doubt that statement is true (about charging for the trio of internet apps). These apps are the core of the OS, and any attempt to charge for them outside the OS price will result in a mutiny Apple has never experienced as of yet.
GyazMail will be shareware, priced below 18 USD, according to its website.
Here that rumor.. it sounds silly. Senseless. If anyone uses iChat, Mail or Safari they need Jaguar - and with Jaguar they get all those. What could they offer in the package as extra to convince to purchase it? A webcam support for iChat? No thanx. Spamassassin / Unix account enable (with a click) in mail (like in 10.1)? I'd think about it.. With Safari? Pay and get the tabs? Who invented this? :rolleyes:
there's too many free or cheaper/more functoinal apps out there to take the place of these apps if apple started nickel and diming us for everything they make.

i use safari about half the time, and but if i had to pay for upgrades to these, i honestly think i would just use chimera full time, and find a freeware/shareware alternative to

i use fire for my IM needs, so i already have that part covered.
These apps:
Address Book
...can and should be considered integral (and integrated) to the OS. Granted, Apple does right by us users by allowing us to remove them at will and use alternatives without hitches, but I seriously doubt they will ever be available separately from the OS (not including updates) let alone as a paid-for package. On the other hand, Apple does seem to lean toward different levels for things: all hardware is "Good, Better, Best, Ultimate," iMovie vs. Final Cut Express vs. Final Cut Pro, iDVD vs DVD Studio Pro, etc.
Maybe there will be a 'pro' package that you pay for, including an HTML editor/web browser, more business-oriented chatting & em@il, etc. Sort of like the rumor that there will be more Office-like apps like Keynote in the near future. One could argue that Keynote was pushed out first because of Appleworks' complete incompatibility with PowerPoint, so we already have an Apple-branded office suite, sort of, but now we have full compatibility w/ M$ without any M$ software. Of course, now I'm rambling, so I'll end my post here.