Ink Ad?


Official Pianist
I just got a phone call from someone who is buying a computer for the first time, and who is considering an iBook. I told her about Ink, and she said she had seen something about that on TV a few days ago.
Now I don't have a TV, so I can't confirm this, but I thought that the Switch ads are the only ones that Apple is currently running. Does anyone know anything about this? Maybe Apple has a new set!
With the vague answer she gave you and her not being a computer geek (I take it), I suspect she saw something on the news about PDAs or Tablet PCs or the like.

Apple does have the S. Claus ads. =)

does apple air the s claus ads or are they just online? the never aired the other will ferrell ad which is quite a shame.

if apple had half a brain, this is who they'd use to drive the switch campaign, comedic celebrities. do you think people remember and talk about some geek with an ipod or some guy with umbrellas around the water cooler at work? no, probably not, but just like they talk about SNL, they'd talk about the will ferrell switch ads.