Innovations... Right.


Digital Music Pimp
So anyways. I noticed this on the back cover of an "Innovations" mag on the table today.. For the unaware innovations is a bit like... i dunno. amway i guess. Anyways. The part that caught my attention was primarily this:
Super fast with high resolution of 600-800 dpi
Ok. now. correct me if im wrong, but dpi relates to images. Printing. Scanning. Monitors. etc.
I don't quite get the correlation between any of the above and a frickin mouse.

and then after, by this:
-No limit to movement
You can use it up to 2 metres away from your computer
A whole 2 metres???? Sh!t, 'cus the PC 'tards who are gonna buy it don't already have a mouse with a 2+ metre cable on, do they? That's one thing I don't like about apple's new mice. very short cable.

Oh. and also.
it's powered by 2 x AAA batteries which last for months of normal use
What exactly IS normal use?

Anyways. I just thought this was funny.


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An optical mouse, as far as I've understood, takes pictures of the surface of the table and move the cursor based on these.
That could explain 600-800 dpi (dots per inch for those who don't know)

Normal use is no use at all...or 1 hour web surfing every 3 days, I think...
They've always had DPI readings for mice, its just that they tend not to mean much unless you're using the high-end graphic tablets, which is why they leave it as a footnote on the spec sheet. 600dpi is pretty standard for any mouse made in the last 10 years.

I would be reluctant to use any mouse that requires batteries to be changed. "Months" would mean "every couple of months", and its guaranteed to conk out just when you need to rush something. The prospect of changing batteries every few months for the life of my computer really puts me off.

Oh, and we have "Innovations" down here in Australia too. Utter rubbish, really. My dad once bought their "power shears" scissors, and they were the flimsiest bit of metal I've ever seen.
Oooh, so it hasn't spread around the world as I had feared. :) Where are you from? I'm living in Geelong at the moment, an hour south of Melbourne.