Insanely great Idea


cocoa love
When you minimize a window into the dock, somtimes the user may just want to get rid of that window in a quick and orderly fashion. I am a Cocoa Programmer, and I know the was written in Cocoa so I know this is insanely easy to implement. Well howabout the user just drags the window out of the dock and it "poofs" away.

C'mon guys at Apple. I know you guys are smart, and it is worth the effort to implement this. Hell, if I had the source code to the dock, I would implement it myself. I know this is really easy to do.
I can see people expecting that action to bring the window back to the desktop (in fact I'm not sure why it doesn't.) I'd be happy just with "Close" in the contextual menu. Maybe drag it to the trash? I think you're on to something.
I have wondered that myself. Don't make it poof but do add a contextual menu option. This would be absolutely great.
Have you guys all seen the weird feature that Apple was implementing in 10.2? Where you drag the minimized window out of the Dock and it stays there?

It was weird, it like, "docked" to the side of the screen. I don't know what this would accomplish, but I'm kind of hoping it doesn't make the cut.

I actually saw a movie that showed exactly what happened. It was really weird.
Where you drag the minimized window out of the Dock and it stays there?
Does it become like a floater window or does it stay on the desktop? If it stays on the desktop is it saving the state of the window to disk? That actually might be a cool feature if you could put a window away and not use your ram and then bring it back when you need it. Also if you logged out you could come back and keep working where you left off. I'm probably way off on this but that does seem like a logical thought process right?
I wouldn't mind if windows dragged out of the dock stayed where you dragged them, even if they floated on top of everything else. But it would be nice to have several options.