Install Tool



I'm looking for a installer. I have made a cdrom with files and i want when the users press install on the cd they can choose a map where they want to install the folder. Like folder Music if they choose harddisk c: it copys the map from the cdrom to the hd c:.

I'm not a good programmer does someone knows in here such a tool or how i can make this? I have no experience with mac Programming.

The two most popular programs are InstallerMaker and Installer VISE. Both assemble all the files you want installed into one neat little application and allow the user to choose where to install the application. They both put files into folders and subfolders, and install system components when necessary (though rarely in OS X are they necessary). You can also use Disk Copy to make a .dmg (disk image) file, and simply let them drag-n-drop a folder where they want. None of these techniques require any programming knowledge.

Macs don't use letters to denote drives; unlike Windows, you can actually name hard drives whatever you like (my iMac's drive is called "Spielberg"). So Mac users would not have drives named C: unless they're fairly recent Windows converts or Windows addicts.

I have cds that on the mac only the mac files visible and on the windows pc the windows files are only visible. Do you know how i can fix this?

Is it also possible for mac to autorun a cd like in windows autorun.inf.
I'm not sure about either. I know you can make a large, inviting icon that says "Start Here" and appears in the volume window of a CD when you insert it.

You might be able to make PC files visible using Tinkertool and checking the "Show invisible and system files" option, but this is purely speculation.