Install Windows on existing partition


Hello Mac Forum.

When setting up my new Macbook Pro a month ago I split my 500 gig drive into three partitions, one main partition, one for data and one for Windows.

Today I finally took the time to install windows.
So I start up bootcamp and it complains "The startup disk cannot be partitioned or restored to a single partition."

A Google search quickly reveals that Bootcamp apparently needs the drive to be unpartitioned. LAME.

So, is there any way to use Bootcamp with an existing partition?

I assume if I just insert my Windows Install DVD and install it without Bootcamp the Windows Bootloader will be set up and it will mess up the Mac Bootloader, right?

Help highly appreciated.

When I installed Bootcamp on my MacBook Pro, it partitioned the disk to three parts: the bootloader, OS X and Windows partition. It made this by shrinking the existing OS X partition. Since you already have three partitions, I guess Bootcamp cannot guess what partition to shrink, so it gives up.