Installation of JBuilder


I have just downloaded the jb6_mac.sit file from Borland. I am not familiar with a .sit file, so I have relied upon the GUI to help. This file gets associated with stuffit, but stuffit says they can do nothing with it. I feel like a loser, but I am new to macosx, I have a slight Linux background but it has been all windows the last year.

Anyone have experience installing jbuilder on macosx? What is a .sit file?
A sit file is a compressed file.

Are you sure there's a problem with Stuffit opening it?

Try opening the Stuffit Expander app first and then go to File > Expand and select the file. See if that works to unstuff it.
Stuffit says there are problems with the files headers. I will re-download the application, perhaps there was an error in the download. I would have done that prior, but I did not know .sit was a compression (although that seems pretty obvious now) file.
