Installer, Safari, & System problems



A strange thing happened this morning: I am unable to run a number of system applications, including Safari, the Installer and System Update. The apps attempt to open, then nothing; no error message, just an indicator in my dock saying that the app is open, but when I click there nothing happens; the only thing I can do is force quit. The system was fine yesterday and I did nothing to my settings, nor did I install any new apps or patches anywhere. I'm just not sure what to do. I've tried reinstalling Panther (archive and install) to no avail. I am running Panther 10.3.2 on a G4 450 tower. I am not having any problems with non-system apps (Macromedia, Microsoft, Netscape, Adobe etc.). Does anyone have any suggestions?

Many thanks!

Since my first post, I have come to realize that this is Fonts related; although I am still unsure as to which fonts were causing the problem, once I made a few adjustments to my user/library/fonts folder (deleting those which are disabled in fontbook), things seem to be back to normal. Any wisdom on this issue would still be greatly appreciated. Thanks.
The next time you have trouble with Apple apps, go to the Utility folder>Disk Utility and verify and repair permissions (under the First Aid tab).
Thanks, Cheryl. I'll certainly do this in the future. I'm still curious about the problem, though, and why the status of a fonts folder can have such an impact on system apps. It seems strange, and I haven't been able to find much literature on it, except for other users noting a similar problem.
