installing OSX.3 from external drive/iPod?

I wonder if that would be possible, since I'd like to install X.3 in an old iBook that seams to have problems in the CD drive... (for some reason, it starts the process of reading the disc, but after the message to "restart" it gives me the "kernelPanic" warning...
Any idea?
thanks, Fernando
...not really.

But I wouldn't know how to start!!!
could you please tell some more, 'cause I do have an iMac G5 with the same operating system... but the iBook doesn't have firewire.

If i am not mistaken, you can use a custom
Firewire to USB cable to connect the iPod to the iBook via the USB port -it will just be
a slower speed connection.

(I will find the link to the cable and post it.)

Its worth a try!

Connect the iPod to another mac and boot to the OS X Install Disk - choose the iPod as the target destination during the install, then connect the iPod to your iBook and
use the Restore function of Disk Utility or Carbon Copy Cloner to clone from the
iPod to the iBook.
the Ipod get the OSX first..? as a normal install?

and then from OS9.2 istalled in the iBook, I should be able to carbon copy clone..? is that safe..?

or would you recomend me to install from a network?

Thanks for the post reply!!!