Installing Panther on B&W... right now


Marvelous Da Vinci
Staff member
I've started installation of Panther on my B&W 400 MHz G3.

I'll keep you updated.
wow chevy :^) Interesting!
hmmm a 300 mhz with 448mb of ram? This will be interesting. My oldest iMac is about there (with only 256 mb though.)
Done and running ! Smooth operation.
Today hardware: G3, 400 MHz, 448 MB, 40 GB.
Yea, I installed Panther on my old blueberry iMac (350 Mhz, 128 MB) and it runs like butter on bread. It's so amazing! Today I plan on installing it on my iBook. :)

Glad it works on the old towers though, that's always good. :D
Has anyone installed it on a Rev. B bondi blue iMac 233MHz? Just wondering about the speed...
doemel said:
Has anyone installed it on a Rev. B bondi blue iMac 233MHz? Just wondering about the speed...

Won't be very speedy, but Finder in 10.3 is generally snappier than in 10.2.
I didn't have any problems with my installs of 10.3, but I have 'newer' machines. My brother however did have a problem when trying to install 10.3 on his B&W.

He bought my old B&W from me, which has the following hardware: A 550 G4 from Xlr8 (closed now), and a sonnet-tech ata 66 card.

10.3 does not like the hard drives installed on that ata 66 card one bit. The machine has one drive still hooked up to the factory ata cable, and two drives hooked up to the ata 66 card.

Tried installing 10.3 on one of the drives hooked up to the ata 66 card (a 120 gig maxtor drive), did a clean install on a freshly initialized drive. The 10.3 installer had no problems seeing either drive hooked up to the ata 66 card. Installation went fine through all 3 discs, and upon re-start nothing but a spinning beach ball, the finder would never startup.

I did make sure that the firmware for the card was up to date and everything, and didn't have this problem with any of the panther betas, but they changed something in the final that didn't agree with this card.

At this point the next step, is to try and install it on the drive that is hooked up to the factory ata controller, and see if that works......when I get the time.