Insufficient privileges (Admin PW problems)


I don't know where to start. I've tried a number of the suggestions in the other posts below, but just can't get into my HD1. I inadvertently deleted some folders from Library (but did put them back). I thought they were doubles.
I re-booted from my Snow Leopard install DVD (hold down C). I have tried a number of times to choose a new password. But, each time I can Log-in, but notice that I can't get into my Administration PW. Now, which one do I use? The one when I installed Leopard 2~3 years ago? (That one I forgot). Or one of the few that I just created?

Anyway, I live just outside of Tokyo, Japan and called the Apple Store in Tokyo (got an English speaker) and he directed me through the steps. But, he said to choose System Administration (root) which I did. Later I realized that shouldn't have been done from the article that he had sent me. I followed his steps, could log in and then noticed that I could use Mail (if I filled in my Mail PW etc.) but my clock couldn't be authenticated as I tried to set the time. It's on L.A. time. (but in Tokyo).

So, next that didn't work and he e-mailed me the Apple site Help articles on re-setting the accounts. I tried a few more times and still couldn't access to authenticate. So, I re-installed my Snow Leopard disk. 10.6...

I went to the Apple Support site and downloaded the Snow Leopard up-dates.... I've tried to install the up-dates of Snow Leopard 10.6.6 and that couldn't be authenticated either and it said I need 10.6.5 tried that and the same thing all the way down to 10.6.2 and still none of them could be installed either. Now, iTunes can't be accessed. and I just tried to install the newest Skype and that also can't be installed. (all on HD1 in applications) and my printer also... I can get online with Safari and Firefox O.K.

I also tried to use Disk Utility and verify disk/repair disk but get, "insufficient privileges"! and can not verify permissions. The time set can't be done. I click on the Lock it shows "authenticate" for a second and stays locked...

The Snow Leopard up-date 10.6.6 shows this....

Even though SL 10.6.6 is installed, it keeps going back to Mac OS X (10.6.1) below....

I wanted to post a screen shot here, but don't know couldn't be copied.

PLease...let me know...thank you

What can I do from here? Anyone out there able to help me! thanks. I am NOT a computer wiz and not really into any type of "Terminal" lingo to understand what I'd do.