Intel gives in on 64 bit chips "for the rest of us"

and for crying out loud it is the New York Times!
Ever see the corrections lists on the NYT? As a journalist, the Times' reputation is spotty. The Pulitzers were deserved for the 9-11 packages, but so were the brickbats for the Jayson Blair scandal.
That said, nice of Intel to say so. :)
As a responsible "consumer" of news, the NYTimes is only one of many resources I view almost every day! :) Any way, the main issue I was implying is every time I post a NYTimes link, people whine about the registration. It is no big deal.
Hmm that was a bit dissappointing, i guess the whole world revolves around intel/AMD, i loved the little apple blurb though.....<irritated></irritated>
WeeZer51402 said:
Hmm that was a bit dissappointing, i guess the whole world revolves around intel/AMD, i loved the little apple blurb though.....<irritated></irritated>

Exactly - it was sort of an, "Oh and by the way Macs have had this for a while..." Wasn't Apple ahead on 32 bit chips too?
Lisa and early Macintosh computers used the 16bit 68000 processor. The Macintosh II (68020) had a 32bit data path but was not '32bit clean', whatever that means. The Mac II also was quite a beast at its time (first 'headless Mac') and quite expensive.
fryke said:
Lisa and early Macintosh computers used the 16bit 68000 processor. The Macintosh II (68020) had a 32bit data path but was not '32bit clean', whatever that means. The Mac II also was quite a beast at its time (first 'headless Mac') and quite expensive.

I remember panting over one of those Mac IIs - I think it was about $8000!!! Thank God I didn't have the spare cash at the time! Not that I have a spare $8000 these days either!!! :)
Hey Octane - I liked the second article and the discussion on marketing of PCs. That made me wonder, what Apple really needs is a chip like the Intel equipped PC laptops with "mobile technology." Why doesn't Apple have "mobile technology" in their chips!? ;)
karavite said:
Hey Octane - I liked the second article and the discussion on marketing of PCs. That made me wonder, what Apple really needs is a chip like the Intel equipped PC laptops with "mobile technology." Why doesn't Apple have "mobile technology" in their chips!? ;)

Well, your question is in need of a two-part response. First up, the CPU that Apple use in their laptops pretty much are mobile-optimized .. they use bugger-all power compared to Intel chips. So it's taken Intel over a decade to catch up with Apple / IBM / Motorola.

The Centrino chip set is just that; a set of chips, rather than everything being crammed into one chip.

As always, if I'm wrong on some of the points covered here, please resist the temptation of formulating a reply in the style of: 'No you dumb-ass! You're totally f@*%ing wrong! it's actually...'

Thank you... :D