Interesting comment about WWDC (from MacCentral)


Unofficial Mac Genius
MacCentral has a story entitled, "Apple exec promises more depth at this year's WWDC".

It talks about how there has been a renewed interest in the Mac platform because of superior Java performance, UNIX underpinnings, and new Cocoa development.

It blabs on about how Apple will be showcasing the new version of OS X, yadda yadda yadda. But of particular interest was this quote:

Originally posted by MacCentral
"We're going to be doing some things at the core level of the operating system that have never been done on any platform before," Kerris said. "Allowing this kind of capability to be used by all sorts of applications, we can only imagine what's going to happen over the next year as developers start to tap into the power of the things that they'll see in this update."

I'm intrigued as to what these core level changes are. This is getting me really excited, and I can't wait 'til next Monday. Only 5 days left!!!