Internal HD works, But i Cannot edit it anymore (however i still see it is there)


I'v read about everything that was similar to my problem but I still couldn't solve it:

So here goes!

Suddenly my macbookpro (13") froze, I restarted it and got the blinking folder with a question mark (which is common for hard drives that does not function properly)
The next thing I did was trying to go into disc utility with my osx dvd, but I couldn't find my hard drive.
So I thought, ok it is my hard drive, lucky for me that I back-up every two days...

So I bought a new (blank) hard drive (WP5000BEVT) and put it in my mac.
It found the hardrive but I could not partition it (POSIX failure) (Also common, so I thought I would get the hd partioned in another computer so I did (it was a windows computer so I formatted it to NTSC).)

I put it again in my mac and it was seen, however I could still not change anything (partition/restore/etc. --> POSIX failure)

So I went to a friend who has a macbook, where I noted that both (even the old one) hard drives work just fine....

I formatted the new one to partial FAT and partial OSX (in his computer), it can now be seen by my macbook.
I repaired the osx partition (in my macbook) and it said the disc was ok, but after that the partition turned gray (the font in the disc utility (it was black before))
Now I can only see the drive and not edit/install/repair anything on my mac.

So here i am now and don't know what to do...

Is it the software? Is it the cable or even the mother board (which would suck)

The strange thing is that my macbook sees the drive but cannot edit it...

I also tried to format it using terminal with information i found on cnet, but that wouldn't work either.

Sorry it is a little bit of a random story (I tried to fix it for the last 16 hours so I'm a little tired), but i tried to tell it in as much detail possible...

thxz in advance for your help!